Play Therapy

Play Therapy

Methods utilised in helping children presenting as anxious or dysregulated to help cope with their distress.

During play, children begin to recognize the separateness of what is me and others. Children begin developing relationships with the world beyond self. Play is a child's way of connecting with the world around them.

There are different approaches within play therapy that are determined by the context in which the intervention takes place.

Two forms are non-directive play therapy, and directive play therapy. The non-directive approach emphasizes a child's ability to choose materials which make most sense to them and further utilise them in exploring both internal and external experiences. As well as in resolving difficulties in their own way, and at their own pace.

Virginina Axline developed non-directive play therapy. With this approach, the child takes the lead whilst the therapist holds the space. The client is supported as a unique individual. Trust is then built at the child’s pace. Chosen forms of expression such as sand, clay and figurines become forms of communication and expression. At all times the therapist keeps appropriate boundaries whilst reflecting back the client’s expressions, for example; their level of energy and emotional presentation. Axline developed several basic  principals and ethics to adhere to.

Why would children be referred?

Play therapy is used to alleviate many children’s difficulties including (but not limited to):

  • Empathy and compassion

  • Respecting themselves and others

  • Unmet expectations/sudden change

  • Taking more responsibility for certain behaviors

  • Developing coping strategies and creative problem-solving skills

  • Learning to fully experience and express feelings

  • Bullying / Being bullied

  • Interpersonal relationships

  • Self-esteem issues

  • Anxiety

  • Adhd / Autism and more


Any child can benefit from Play Therapy

Play therapy enables children to express their upsets and frustrations they incur as they go through life. Play and creative arts therapy Roscommon is a safe and non-judgemental environment. Parents are given an opportunity to discuss the reasons they are starting their child in play therapy. Suggestions are given to support your child and the family (if requested)whilst therapy is ongoing.

Play therapy can support a child to be more assertive and aware of themselves and others. It can allow self-acceptance and understanding to take place. Through the many tools used in play therapy over time, and as trust builds, the child can find their way to connect and engage.

Play therapy Toolkit

The Play Therapist employs a variety of therapeutic tools including:

  • Puppets

  • Painting, Drawing

  • Music

  • Sand tray

  • Clay, Play-doh

  • Drama, Roleplay

  • Arts and crafts

  • Figurines

  • Therapeutic stories

  • Sensory materials

  • Lego, Building blocks

  • Guided meditations and mindfulness activities

  • Dance and body movements and much more!

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We are not currently taking on any new clients due to high demand and long waiting lists. To note: Play Therapy Ireland’s website has a register of local play and creative arts therapists.